Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog

Okay, so this is Ashley trying to be techy, but it may not go so well.  I at least wanted to try and load up a few videos to test and see if I can figure it out.  More info will come on things we have discovered in Kansas and how things are going (and yes there will be belly picture updates).  Enjoy the videos for now, if I can get them to work :).


Heike Howard said...

seriously, charger background?

Love you guys.

andrew62 said...

hi mrs. huntington its andrew just wanted to say hi on the new blog

oh yea vance says hi

M Hardy said...

Wow! I can't believe you are 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow.'
Hope you had an excellent holiday, and that Ashley and the baby are doing well. It's strange to think that you're not at Vista. Can you post your new address somewhere on this page so that we can send Christmas cards?