Tuesday, April 28, 2009

36 Weeks!!

We've definitely had an eventful couple of weeks. First, we are very excited that in one week we'll be full term. Faith seems to be doing very well and is still moving all over the place. I was having some contractions last Thursday (very minor, but very consistent) that continued through Friday, so they had me take a little trip to the hospital. I was a little embarrassed because I didn't think what I was feeling warranted a hospital visit, but my doctor's office told me to go in. So we got a practice round of checking into the hospital. I wasn't progressing or anything. At least we had fun getting to hear Faith's heartbeat for awhile. We did find that I am 1cm dilated and 60% effaced, for those who care to know.

We also had some crazy thunderstorms this past weekend. There was a string (or line) of storms that came up from Oklahoma that had had some tornados touch down. During our band practice before ekklesia (our church service) Dale and I had trouble focusing because there was so much lightening showing through the stained glass. Then, our sound guy came running down telling us we had to go in the basement because there was a tornado warning. People ran in from outside, dripping wet from the rain. I have never seen it rain so hard-it was like a blanket of water.

We got the all-clear pretty fast, and went back up to finish practicing. I was a little concerned about being around/attached to all this equipment with so much lightening, but everyone else seemed to think it was okay. Finally, during our church service, towards the end of the sermon, we all had to go back down into the basement (the whole church). That was very fun for us. We sang a song down there, the pastor closed out his sermon, and then we all had to hurry home because there was a good chance that the next storm could bring another tornado. That night we just kept getting storm after storm. Dale and I spent the night in the basement and could hear the rain, hail, thunder, and wind from down there, very clearly.

One other fun thing, we have finally discovered a gluten-free bread mix that tastes so good we like eating it plain! This is a huge success for us :).

On a sad note, we recently lost Dale's step-grandpa, Dick. He was a kind man and his death came very quickly. Dale's grandma is in care for a recent broken hip so we would appreciate your prayers for that whole situation.